Dragon Tang Soo Do and Dragon Martial Arts
2025 Our 25th Anniversary Year

Mark Hillier
Tang Soo Do 6th Dan
Tang Soo Do Level 4: Senior Instructor
Tang Soo Do International Referee
Started Tang Soo Do – November 1990
4th Dan Master - October 2011
5th Dan Master - October 2016
6th Dan Master - October 2022
Mark started Martial Arts training at the age of 9. He first joined a Full Contact Japanese style called Kyokushin Kai, but after a short while he realised this wasn't for him. So he spent several years hopping from style to style, including Hygashi, Tae Kwon Do, Judo and others. He started Tang Soo Do in 1990 at the age of 17, under Master Zamperelli. At the age of 19. Due to career committments, he changed Instructors to Master Ward, where he has trained ever since. In recent years he has also trained in many other styles including Shaolin Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Hygashi, Aikido, Boxing and Haidong Gumdo (Korean Swordsmanship). Mark believes it is very important to experiment with other styles, as this helps develope the practioner into an all round Martial Artist.
Around the same time as starting Tang Soo Do, he started weight training and learning about nutrition. This is another passion of Mark's; and much of his spare time is devoted to improving his fitness and all round strength.
Mark is the Instructor for the Chipping Sodbury club, which he opened in the year 2000 after receiving his Black Belt. He has a great passion for teaching and giving his knowledge to anyone who trains under him. He offers a disciplined but friendly training environment, where his aim is to make students the best they can be in all aspects of Tang Soo Do. Since the club started, many of his students have won trophies in all disciplines of competition at both Local and Open tournements.